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Monitoring of performance and usage for SAP Marketing Cloud of requests of type http(s) and SAPUI5/Fiori.Monitoring of performance and usage for SAP Cloud for Customers of Oberon requests (like SAPUI5).Check for HANA Expensive Statements from Correlation view in case the back-end request has a high DB time.New Page Execution Flow to allow analysis of executed user interactions ordered by time for a dedicated user or session.New Generic View with possibility to choose metric (executions, response time) and different dimensions (request type, name or location attributes) like in System Analysis.New view Client Overview containing OS version, browser version user name and last activity including filter.New page Topology Requests containing source and target systems of different request type with incoming request names as table.Monitoring of performance and usage for SAP S/4Hana Cloud of requests of type http(s) and SAPUI5/Fiori.Static customer dependent mapping of users to location or organization attributes.
Web GUI (for HTML) (requires SAP_UI 7.53 in managed system). Web Dynpro (ABAP) (requires SAP_UI 7.53 in managed system). Integration of System Analysis in RUM via jump-in functionality to relevant system and time stamp. ABAP Exceptions of end-users can be displayed in separate view. Configuration is now included in Monitoring UI. History view of end-user browser versions. Include ABAP back end performance KPIs from System Analytics. Front-end performance view ( chart for SAPUI5 requests with client response time, network time and server time). Pages and own defined cards from Cardview. System settings (threshold configuration). #Allow easyfind to search server download
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Allow for actions a mapping of technical names to any free definable description like for requests.
Self Monitoring Alerts for RUM data collectors.SLA Alerts based on own created and public cards.
Monitoring of performance and usage for SAP Business Technology Platform (Neo) of requests of type http(s) and SAPUI5/Fiori. Topology view, from which systems are the selected systems called and which systems are called by the selected systems. Tree map with dedicated views for performance, work load and usage. Aggregation of the single request to hourly values with separate life time. Monitoring of performance and usage (without user names) for HANA XS engine of requests of type http(s) and SAPUI5/Fiori. Monitoring of performance and usage for SAP J2EE Systems of request types RFC, Web Service, http(s). Monitoring of performance and usage for ABAP Systems of request types RFC, Web Service, http(s), DIAG(SAPGUI) and SAPUI5/Fiori.